Our farm Regen Pastures uses Integrity systems of on-farm assurance, animal identification and traceability from paddock to plate guarantees the integrity of our red meat to our Australian customers.
It protects the disease-free status of Australian red meat and underpins the marketing of our product as clean, safe and natural. Australia’s red meat integrity system ensures the livestock industry can stand by what it sells.
So rest assured you a supporting good farming.
What Is Regenerative Agriculture?
Regenerative agriculture is a holistic approach to farming that focuses on rebuilding and restoring soil health, increasing biodiversity, and improving ecosystem functions. The goal of regenerative agriculture is to create a sustainable and resilient farming system that benefits both the environment and the farmers.
Unlike conventional agriculture, which often relies on chemical inputs, intensive tillage, and monoculture farming, regenerative agriculture emphasizes practices that work with nature. These practices may include crop rotation, cover cropping, reduced tillage, and the integration of livestock into the farming system.
By using regenerative practices, farmers aim to improve the health of the soil, which in turn can lead to healthier plants, better water retention, and increased carbon sequestration. This can result in a variety of benefits, including improved yields, increased profitability, and a more sustainable and resilient farm ecosystem.
In addition to the environmental benefits, regenerative agriculture can also have social and economic benefits. By focusing on soil health and ecosystem functions, farmers can reduce their dependence on expensive chemical inputs, increase their yields, and create more resilient farming systems that can better withstand weather fluctuations and other challenges.
Food Nutrition!
It has been well documented that our food supply isn't as rich in nutrients as it once was.
This is due to several factors including mono-crop farming, depleted soils, earlier harvest for longer transportation.
All these factors have contributed to peoples poor health.
Here are the nutrition facts for a 100-gram serving of broiled, minced beef with 10% fat content.
Calories: 217
Water: 61%
Protein: 26.1 grams
Carbs: 0 grams
Sugar: 0 grams
Fiber: 0 grams
Fat: 11.8 grams
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